Anzac Biscuits Minus the Nasties

I love Anzac biscuits. They’re sweet, chewy yet crunchy and so freaking delicious. I used to beg my mother to buy them whenever I saw them at the supermarket. They came in these huge ANZAC tins and the biscuits were not even that good now that I look back on them, but I still loved them, especially dunked in a big cup of tea.


But what really gets me about these biscuits is that as I was mixing them together, they completely smelt like all of my Food Tech memories. Food Tech was one of those electives in school that children either hated or loved. I loved it except the teacher always wanted you to follow the recipe EXACTLY. No alterations, no additions, nothing.


I’ve been looking for a vegan recipe for a little while but then I decided to just adapt an old recipe and you know what? They turned out just as good!

Vegan ✓
Dairy Free ✓
Fructose Friendly ✓
Refined Sugar Free ✓
Easy to Make Gluten Free ✓ Continue reading Anzac Biscuits Minus the Nasties