Cauliflower, Potato and Chickpea Curry

Curry is such a perfect winter meal. Especially when it takes minimal effort and you have leftovers for weeks!


When I made this curry, I sort of made it up as I went along. And you can do the same if you want. Switch around the veggies, add some more chilli or whatever suits you. But I promise, this version will not disappoint. Continue reading Cauliflower, Potato and Chickpea Curry

Sushi Bowls with Lettuce Cups

I’ve been having crazy sushi craving recently. All I want is sushi. Even for breakfast (sounding a little crazy right now, I know).


But the issue is, I am terrible at making sushi. It always falls apart everywhere and it never tastes the same as store bought vegan sushi.


Also buying vegan sushi can be such a mission sometimes because everyone puts that mayonnaise thing through the rice. Make sure you’re checking for that when you buy it! Continue reading Sushi Bowls with Lettuce Cups