Jammy Coconut Slice

I think jam and coconut are a match made in heaven. Do you remember those Iced Vovo biscuits? Yeah they were my favourite! The blend of biscuit, jam, marshmallow and coconut was unbeatable! They always remind me of steaming hot cuppas at my nanna’s house.


I’m so lucky to be working with Barker’s NZ, a family run business in New Zealand that specialise in preserving fruits into jams, compotes and cordials. Their jam is absolutely delicious. Real berries in traditional slow cooked jam.


So I put together this recipe to hero the jam and pair it with coconut of course. The coconut flour adds extra fibre to keep our tummies happy and you can easily make this gluten free by using a gluten free flour


Jammy Coconut Slice



–          ¼ cup of butter

–          ½ cup of coconut flour

–          2/3 cup almonds

–          ¼ cup desiccated coconut

–          1/3 cup of plain flour

–          ¼ cup of sugar

–          1 tbsp honey

–          1-2 tbsp of milk


–          1 cup of Barker’s NZ Raspberry Jam

Top layer

–          3 eggs

–          2 cups of desiccated coconut

–          ¼ cup sugar

–          5 figs, sliced (optional)


  1. Preheat over to 200c fan-forced
  2. Using a food processor, combine all base ingredients, starting with the almonds to form flour. Add the remainder of the ingredients and add enough milk so the dough is combined
  3. Press the base into a lined tin, approx. 20cm by 30cm
  4. Baked for 30 minutes, until the top becomes golden. Remove the base and cool for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 180c
  5. Meanwhile, combine the top layer ingredients well with a fork in a medium bowl
  6. Spread the Barker’s NZ Raspberry Jam over the base evenly and then pour the top layer batter over the jam. Use the back of a spoon to gently spread it evenly. Place the figs over the topping
  7. Bake for 30 minutes until the top is golden brown all over. Leave to cool before serving.



–          If you don’t have any coconut flour, you can use almond meal. I use coconut flour due to the high fibre content.

–          If you’re not using the figs, the top layer may cook quicker as there is no extra moisture coming from the fruit. So keep an eye on it and take it out once golden brown.


Let me know what you think, and tag me @LM_nutrition if you post it on Instagram so I can share it ❤️

Love, LM

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